Bonus cards
Bonus cards - are the nearest and dearest of the discount ones. They vary only in the principle of benefit gaining: if discount cards provide service of cost decline for a certain percentage from the amount right now, the bonus cards allow gaining a definite sum for purchased article in order to make future shopping. However, it is just a particular case of standards solution for bonus program implementation, as a bonus role may act anyhow, including the marketable goods or some symbolic points.
Bonus cards manufacture doesn’t always appear to be appropriate. For successful completion of this action there is a need in well-developed loyalty program and appropriate advertising campaign, which will prompt customers to open bonus accounts. If still advert of the loyalty program takes its effect, it will not take long to see the result in interests increase for the regular customers (at the very least). Bonus card, in contrast to common discount card, gives more incentives for returning the customer to the area of its action, as accumulated conventional units may be spent only in a certain network. Meanwhile, the buyer also gets a benefit as he/she is provided with the possibility to save even if some kind of sales promotion and discounts are unavailable. As to the scale of outreach, the bonus cards can be both simple (single-brand) or multi-branded, designed for the needs of a number of companies that cooperate as a one bunch (coalition). However, these are rather organizational peculiarities, whereas external bonus cards are usually little or no different from discount cards: these are mainly magnetic cards, and less frequently met - scratch (for single use bonuses) or smart-cards.
Here, at the site you will be assisted in projects realization of any complexity as to bonus cards production for various organizations.
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